
How Can Long-Term Erectile Dysfunction be Treated?

Erectile problems that persist for an extended duration (ED) is a condition that may have numerous causes. The likelihood of finding being treated are dependent on the factors responsible for the issue.

Fildena 150mg tablet as an alternative to sildenafil, which is a phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitor typically employed to treat the symptoms that causes erectile dysfunction (ED). It is a medicine which increases blood flow to the penis and assists in getting an erection.

It is vital to note that medication like Vidalista 80 black tackles the underlying cause of ED but provides a temporary treatment to boost the performance of erectile dysfunction.

A device for erection by vacuum has an electrical pump. It forms an air-tight seal over the penis. It draws blood to the penis to produce an erection. An elastic band of constriction is positioned at the base of the penis to maintain the erection.

It is vital to consult to a physician for an extensive examination and individual guidance. The most frequent causes for ED are:

Physical Factors:

Atherosclerosis, along with other conditions, can affect blood flow to the penis. If diabetes isn’t properly controlled may cause damage to blood vessels and nerves. Insufficient levels of testosterone could lead to ED.

Conditions that can affect the nervous system such as MS may affect the erectile organs.

Therosclerosis (hardening in the walls of your arterial) can hinder blood flow, which can affect the possibility of obtaining or maintain a sexual erection.

The adverse effects of diabetes could cause nerve damage and blood vessels, which could alter the flow of blood to the penis and result in erectile dysfunction.

The lower levels of testosterone, which is one of the hormones men are using to get married, can lead to Erectile dysfunction. Hormonal imbalances could be the result of various factors, including age and certain medical ailments.

The weight gain of the body is often related to heart conditions as well as hypertension, diabetes, as well as hormonal issues. All of these are able to cause ED.

Psychological Factors:

Mental health issues could lead to the formation of ED and it can be permanent or temporary. It can affect the physical and psychological aspects of sexual health.

Relationship problems can impact sexual performance. The stress and anxieties of relationships can impact sexual arousal, as well as performance. Particularly, anxiety regarding performance triggers the cycle of anxiety that could exacerbate the problem.

Unhappy body image, discontentment with the appearance of one’s self or concerns about their performance may be contributing factors to mental stress that affects sexual functioning.

Lifestyle Factors:

The consumption of tobacco may damage blood vessels and lead to ED. Smoking cigarettes in excess could affect sexual performance. The lack of exercise may be a factor in ED.

A life of sedentary habits and a lack of exercise regularly can lead to many ailments, such as obesity, cardiovascular problems and diabetes. All of these conditions could be contributing to ED.

The use of illicit substances or the misuse of prescription medications could have negative consequences on sexual function and could lead to ED.

Medication Side Effects:

Certain medications can cause ED in the course of. Talking with a doctor may result in changes of the medication.

Erectile disorders (ED) is usually a side effect of specific medications. Certain drugs that cause or cause ED usually interfere with circulation of blood toward the penis, thereby altering nerve signals or causing hormonal imbalances.

The drug could influence the circulation of nerve signals and blood and may result in ED medications such as Fildena 100mg .

The use of medicines like sertraline, fluoxetine and paroxetine may result in sexual side effects, like ED.

Treatment Options:

Oral medicines like sildenafil (Viagra) and Tadalafil (Cialis) and a host of others are able to aid in enhancing blood flow to the penis.

A healthy and balanced lifestyle that includes regular exercise, healthy eating habits and regular stress-management exercises, can aid in reducing ED.

The treatment of mental issues via therapy or counseling could be beneficial.

The drugs sildenafil (Viagra) and Tadalafil (Cialis) and Vardenafil (Levitra) along with Avanafil (Stendra) can be frequently prescribed. They enhance the effects of the Nitric Oxide which is an agent that relaxes penis muscles, and boosts blood flow.


If you or someone else that you know is suffering from ED and is suffering from ED You should urge them to consult an expert doctor for personalized guidance.